" async="async"> ', { cookie_domain: 'mrwrite.tistory.com', cookie_flags: 'max-age=0;domain=.tistory.com', cookie_expires: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 // 7 days, in seconds }); [캐나다대학] 캐나다 최고의 100대 직업 순위

대입정보/캐나다 대학

[캐나다대학] 캐나다 최고의 100대 직업 순위

Mr. Write 2020. 9. 21. 07:13




2020년 가을! 입시철이 되었네요. 많은 부모님들과 학생들이 진로를 걱정해야 되는 때인것 같습니다.


물론 일찍부터 진로를 결정한 경우에는 별 부담이 없겠지만 오랫동안 아이들을 가르쳐본 입장에서는 원서를 쓸 때까지도 무엇을 전공해야 될지 결정을 못하는 경우가 많이 있는 것을 봤습니다. 


그래서 오늘은 캐나다에서 가장 잘 나가는 직업 100가지가 무엇이 있는지, 이 직업들의 전망을 보시고 대학에서 무엇을 전공해야 좋을지 판단하는데 도움을 드리고자 포스트합니다.  


아래 도표 보는 방법을 먼저 말씀드릴께요.


첫번째, Rank는 직업의 순위가 되겠구요,

두번째, Job title은 직업 이름

세번째, Median Salary는 연봉 중간값입니다. 평균과 비슷하지만 다릅니다. 최고 금액 받는 사람과 최저 금액을 받는 사람의 중간에 있는 사람의 연봉입니다.

네번째, 5-year wage growth는 지난 5년간 임금 인상률

다섯번째, 5-year employee growth는 지난 5년간 고용률

마지막으로 Outlook은 향후 5년간 전망입니다. 


 = more than 1 job available per job seeker — lots of opportunity

(구직자 1명 당 직업 1개 이상 오픈될 전망 - 구직이 쉬움)

 = about 1 job available per job seeker — balanced opportunity

(구직자 1명 당 직업 1개 오픈될 전망 - 균형)

 = less than 1 job available per job seeker — low opportunity

(구직자 1명 당 직업 1개 이하 오픈될 전망 - 구직에 어려움)



위 전망은 5년 후가 됩니다. university에서 공부하는데 보통 4년 또는 5년이 소요되기 때문에 지금이나 내년 입학하는 학생들이 직업을 갖게 되는 시점이 됩니다. 이 전망은 캐나다 정부에서 예측한 자료를 사용한 것입니다. 



여기에 인용한 정보는 Canadian Business 메가진 웹사이트에서 가져 왔습니다. 자세한 정보를 원하시면 링크를 클릭하시면 됩니다.


Canada's Best 100 Jobs

RANK Job title Median Salary 5-year wage growth 5-year employee growth Outlook
1 Nurse Practitioner $104,000 35% 75%
2 Dentist $93,600 45% 63%
3 Utilities Manager $114,130 16% 16%
4 Power Systems Electricians $85,758 18% 73%
5 Mining & Quarrying Supervisor $83,200 25% 29%
6 Pipefitting supervisor $81,120 15% 51%
7 Engineering Manager $105,997 20% 8%
8 Scientific Research Manager $102,003 28% 10%
9 Public Administration Director $109,533 13% 87%
10 Construction Manager $83,200 14% 46%
11 Statistician or Actuary $87,360 4% 87%
12 Business Executive $110,406 15% 26%
13 Electronics Engineer $90,002 20% 8%
14 Police Officer $87,859 17% 18%
15 Power Line & Cable Worker $79,997 20% 33%
16 Locomotive Engineer $78,000 17% 17%
17 Head Nurse & Medical Supervisor $83,200 8% 57%
18 Health & Community Service Manager $109,866 10% 53%
19 Occupational Therapist $82,098 13% 11%
20 Financial Manager $95,992 16% 3%
21 School Principal & Administator $100,006 9% 1%
22 Elevator Mechanic $81,120 8% 83%
23 Oil & Gas Drilling Supervisor $85,280 17% -22%
24 Human Resources Manager $93,725 14% -6%
25 Health Care Manager $94,994 9% -6%
26 Computer Systems Manager $104,000 9% 22%
27 Transportation Manager $84,261 16% 1%
28 Mining Engineers $98,405 13% 16%
29 Conservation Officers $67,642 18% 17%
30 Geoscientist $93,600 5% -9%
31 Economic Development Director $102,398 5% 70%
32 Electrical & Telecommunications Contractor $79,040 9% 24%
33 Petroleum & Chemical Process Engineer $115,565 16% 1%
34 Oil Refinery Process Operator $83,200 15% -2%
35 Respiratory therapist $72,696 12% 73%
36 Railway Conductors & Brakemen/Brakewomen $69,992 17% -20%
37 Physiotherapist $79,040 9% 29%
38 Power Plant Operator $72,800 17% 12%
39 College Instructor $78,894 14% 11%
40 Veterinarian $86,674 11% -4%
41 Aerospace Engineer $81,994 9% -3%
42 Real Estate & Financial Manager $97,136 20% 39%
43 Deck officer (water transport) $70,720 6% 41%
44 Avionics Mechanic $79,997 15% -38%
45 Secondary School Teacher $85,717 12% -17%
46 Software Engineer $90,002 8% 23%
47 Longshore Worker $73,590 6% 16%
48 Marketing & Public Relations Manager $82,285 4% 16%
49 Dietician $76,960 12% 7%
50 Banking & Credit Manager $94,931 19% 14%
51 Manufacturing Manager $82,659 10% 5%
52 Post-Secondary School Administrator $100,006 25% 16%
53 Specialized Engineer (Eg. Agricultural or Naval Engineer) $81,286 2% 41%
54 Database Analyst $70,990 11% 34%
55 Agricultural Consultants $65,000 14% 62%
56 Computer Engineer $90,002 11% 22%
57 Pilot & Flying Instructor $80,725 11% -3%
58 Heavy Construction Equipment Supervisor $68,640 10% 24%
59 Economist & Policy Researcher $91,000 16% 20%
60 University Professor $95,992 15% -9%
61 Government Program Officers $87,006 12% -1%
62 Pharmacist $104,000 9% 20%
63 Natural Resources Policy Analyst $82,992 9% 39%
64 Mechanical Engineer $81,494 9% 6%
65 Telecommunication Manager $85,342 0% -16%
66 Financial Auditor $64,522 19% 61%
67 Health Policy Professionals $76,794 14% 41%
68 Psychologist $83,200 5% -2%
69 Retail/Wholesale Trade Manager $67,995 31% -6%
70 Construction Inspector $67,995 5% 35%
71 Account Executive & Consultant $76,024 6% 26%
72 Firefighter $83,325 20% 0%
73 Health & Occupation Inspector $75,920 11% 2%
74 School Career Counsellor $75,005 7% -3%
75 Laywer $93,330 16% 3%
76 Registered Nurse $78,208 7% 3%
77 Audiologists & Speech-Language Pathologist $83,325 5% -23%
78 Urban Planner $83,096 17% -43%
79 Human Resources Professional $74,506 10% 45%
80 Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing Supervisor $66,560 4% 42%
81 Industrial Technician $80,912 11% -23%
82 Biologist $74,880 11% -16%
83 Non-Destructive Tester/Inspection Technician $73,840 18% -24%
84 Information Systems Analyst $79,997 8% 39%
85 Forest Products Processing Supervisor $64,002 20% -1%
86 Probation & Parole Officer $80,226 10% -10%
87 Oil & Gas Well Operator $79,040 11% 20%
88 Radiation Technologist $69,326 4% 21%
89 Refrigerator/Air Conditioner Mechanic $66,040 12% 32%
90 Paramedic $68,640 11% 2%
91 Elementary School & Kindergarten Teacher $78,000 10% 9%
92 Chemical Engineer $79,997 2% -18%
93 Laboratory Technologists $72,446 10% 28%
94 Web Designers & Developers $60,008 15% 7%
95 Business Services Manager $72,800 -3 5%
96 Managers in the Arts $64,002 -9 79%
97 Mechanical Engineering Technologist/Technician $65,520 10% 8%
98 Machining & Ironworking Contractors and Supervisors $69,992 12% -13%
99 Dental Hygienist $72,800 4% 14%
100 Mechanical & Metal Parts Manufacturing Supervisors $60,008 9% 33%

† Outlook shows the projected demand for employees in the field in 2022, as measured by Employment and Social Development Canada:

 = more than 1 job available per job seeker — lots of opportunity

 = about 1 job available per job seeker — balanced opportunity

 = less than 1 job available per job seeker — low opportunity