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[구조정리#4] Branch-Trimming 구조정리 4

Mr. Write 2021. 7. 26. 03:19



Branch-Trimming 구조정리 4



문장구조정리가 무엇인지 모르시는 분들은 [구조정리 방법] 링크를 클릭하셔서 공부하신 후 구조정리 4를 연습해 보시기 바랍니다.


구조정리를 알면 여러가지 유익한 점이 많이 있습니다. 특별히 SAT 같은 시험을 준비하는 사람이라면 구조정리를 이해하는 것이 고득점 비결입니다. writing을 배우는 사람에게도 좋은 글을 쓸 수 있게 해주고, reading도 빠른 시간 안에 정확히 이해할 수 있도록 해 줍니다. 





1. Ever since coffee was introduced to Italy several centuries ago, it has been a ubiquitous part of Italian


2. In fact, coffee is so central to Italian culture that one cannot visit any city or town in Italy without seeing several coffeehouses.


3. Such coffeehouses have existed since 1640, when the first was established in Venice, and they have since become a part of Italy’s national identity.


4. It is not uncommon in Italy for people to make two to three trips a day to their favourite caffetteria, and often people are so selective about their coffee that they will frequent only one establishment.


5. It is not simply the coffee that creates such enthusiasm for coffeehouses among those who love them; the social aspect of the caffetteria may play nearly as great a role as the coffee itself. 


6. Each caffetteria functions as a social hub in its neighbourhood, and the way in which most patrons
consume their coffee contributes to this fact. 


7. Few caffetteria patrons sit at tables, since most coffeehouses in Italy charge a premium for table service, a fee that can amount to three to four times as much as the price per drink.


8. Nor can patrons take their drinks elsewhere: to-go cups are not available at typical coffeehouses. 


9. Normally, those drinking their coffee at a bar will also chat with each other and the person making
coffee behind the bar. 


10. This practice, which combines social interaction with coffee drinking, is the most popular way to enjoy a cup of coffee in Italy.






1. A. Ever since coffee was introduced to Italy several centuries ago, it has been a ubiquitous part of Italian culture.

B. Ever since coffee was introduced to Italy several centuries ago, it has been a ubiquitous part of Italian culture.

[해설] A는 접속사 since절을 남겨 두었기 때문에 CO S+V, S+V. 형태가 남아 있어 접속사 하나에 S+V 두개가 결합된 형태를 볼 수 있습니다. B에서는 since절이 부사절이기 때문에 부속성분이므로 제거해서 A보다 더 단순화시킨 것입니다. 두가지 다 연습해 보시기 바랍니다. 


2. A. In fact, coffee is so central to Italian culture that one cannot visit any city or town in Italy without seeing several coffeehouses.

B. In fact, coffee is so central to Italian culture that one cannot visit any city or town in Italy without seeing several coffeehouses.

[해설] A는 접속사 that절을 남겨 두어 S+V CO S+V. 형태가 남아 있어 접속사 하나에 S+V 두개가 결합된 형태입니다. B에서는 that절[so ~ that]이 부사절이기 때문에 부속성분이므로 제거해서 A보다 더 단순화시켰습니다. 


3. A. Such coffeehouses have existed since 1640, when the first was established in Venice, and they have since become a part of Italy’s national identity.

B. Such coffeehouses have existed since 1640, when the first was established in Venice, and they have since become a part of Italy’s national identity.

[해설] when절은 부사절입니다. 이유는 1번과 2번의 설명을 참조하시기 바랍니다.


4. A. It is not uncommon in Italy for people to make two to three trips a day to their favourite caffetteria, and often people are so selective about their coffee that they will frequent only one establishment.

B. A. It is not uncommon in Italy for people to make two to three trips a day to their favourite caffetteria, and often people are so selective about their coffee that they will frequent only one establishment.

[해설] so~that 부사절에 대한 해설은 1번 해설을 참조하세요.


5. A. It is not simply the coffee that creates such enthusiasm for coffeehouses among those who love them; the social aspect of the caffetteria may play nearly as great a role as the coffee itself

B. It is not simply the coffee that creates such enthusiasm for coffeehouses among those who love them; the social aspect of the caffetteria may play nearly as great a role as the coffee itself

[해설] S+V CO(that) V; S+V. 세미콜론은 접속사 역할을 한다는 것을 꼭 기억하시기 바랍니다.


6. A. Each caffetteria functions as a social hub in its neighbourhood, and the way in which most patrons
consume their coffee contributes to this fact

B. Each caffetteria functions as a social hub in its neighbourhood, and the way in which most patrons
consume their coffee contributes to this fact

[해설] B는 in which절이 형용사절로 the way를 수식하기 때문에 문장구성 성분이 아니므로 제거한 것입니다. S+V, CO(and) S CO S+V V. 접속사 두개, S+V 세개


7. Few caffetteria patrons sit at tables, since most coffeehouses in Italy charge a premium for table service, a fee that can amount to three to four times as much as the price per drink.

[해설] S+V, CO(since) S+V. 이 문장에서 a fee 이하는 a premium의 "동격"이므로 부속성분이어서 제거한 것입니다.


8. Nor can patrons take their drinks elsewhere: to-go cups are not available at typical coffeehouses

[해설] S+V: S+V. 이 문장의 콜론은 접속사 대용으로 쓰인 것입니다. 콜론도 세미콜론처럼 접속사 대용으로 쓸 수 있습니다. 콜론에 대하여 더 자세히 알고 싶으시면 [커마, 콜론, 세미콜론 완전정리] 링크를 클릭해 보세요.


9. Normally, those drinking their coffee at a bar will also chat with each other and the person making
coffee behind the bar

[해설] S+V.


10. This practice, which combines social interaction with coffee drinking, is the most popular way to enjoy a cup of coffee in Italy.

[해설] S, CO(which) V, V.