" async="async"> ', { cookie_domain: 'mrwrite.tistory.com', cookie_flags: 'max-age=0;domain=.tistory.com', cookie_expires: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 // 7 days, in seconds }); [단어어원_숫자표현#5] Tri = 3 (three)


[단어어원_숫자표현#5] Tri = 3 (three)

Mr. Write 2020. 6. 28. 11:21


Tri = Three 


1. Tricycle = n. a three-wheeled vehicle

      cycle < wheel, circle

3바퀴를 가진 탈 것 = 세발자전거


2. Trisect = v. divide into three parts

      sect < cut

3개로 나누다 = 3등분하다


3. Trilogy = n. a series of three books, plays, or movies

      logos < word, speech

※ 같은 주제를 가진 3개의 이야기, 연극, 영화 등 = 3부작 

The Lord of the Rings is a popular trilogy consisting of high fantasy adventure films.


4. Tripod = n. a support with three legs for equipment such as a camera

      pod < foot

3개의 발을 가진 도구 = 삼각대


5. Triathlon = n. an athletic contest consisting of three different events

       athlon < contest 

※세가지 운동경기 = 3종경기