
영작표현 #23 What is now~ 바뀐 장소 표현

과거엔 다른 곳이었는데 현재는 바뀌어 있는 곳을 표현할 때 "what is now + 장소(현재 지명/장소/빌딩 등)"를 사용하면 간략하게 의미를 전달할 수 있습니다.


1. The city hall was situated in what is now the heart of the city.

시청은 현재의 도시 중심지에 위치해 있었다.

2. In 1792 George Vancouver arrived in what is now Vancouver.

1792년에 조지 밴쿠버는 현재의 밴쿠버에 도착하였다.

3. Upper Canada was located in what is now Ontario, whereas Lower Canada was located in present-day Quebec.

어퍼 캐나다는 현재의 온타리오에 위치해 있었고, 로워 캐나다는 현재의 퀘벡에 위치해 있었다.

4. The ancient city of Carthage was in what is now Tunisia.

고대 카르타고 도시는 현재의 튀니지에 있었다.

5. Jerusalem, which was once a central city for many ancient civilizations, is in what is now Israel.

여러 고대 문명의 중심지였던 예루살렘은 현재의 이스라엘에 있다.

6. The Roman Empire expanded into what is now France and Spain.

로마 제국은 현재의 프랑스와 스페인으로 확장되었다.

7. What is now known as Istanbul was once the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.

현재 이스탄불로 알려진 곳은 한때 비잔틴 제국의 수도인 콘스탄티노폴이었다.

8. The site of the ancient Mayan city of Tikal is in what is now Guatemala.

고대 마야 도시 티칼의 유적은 현재의 과테말라에 있다.

9. Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, is in what is now the West Bank.

예수님이 태어난 베들레헴은 현재의 서안지구에 있다.

10. The ancient kingdom of Goguryeo once stretched across what is now Korea and northern China.

고구려는 현재 한국과 중국 북부에 걸쳐 있었다.


1. The old market was located in what is now ________. 

(Hint: think about a new type of place that might be there now, like a park or mall)

2. The ancient ruins were once situated in what is now a ________. 

(Hint: think about different types of modern facilities or buildings)

3. The historic battlefield is now part of what is now a ________. 

(Hint: think about a type of modern development)

4. The medieval castle stood in what is now a ________. 

(Hint: consider different modern uses for the land)

5. The old forest was cut down to make way for what is now a ________. 

(Hint: think about what could replace a forest)

6. The ancient temple was located in what is now ________. 

(Hint: think about modern structures that might be built there)

7. The small village grew into what is now a ________. 

(Hint: consider how a village might transform over time)

8. The ancient harbor is now a part of what is now a ________. 

(Hint: think about what could replace a harbor)

9. The old theater used to be in what is now a ________. (Hint: think about various types of modern buildings)

10. What is now the city of New York was originally called New Amsterdam by settlers from ________. 

(Hint: think about a European country)

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